(under construction)
White Papers and Tools
NGSS Shifts: Classroom Discourse
NGSS Shifts: Constructing Understanding
Peer-reviewed Publications
Hayes, K. (2018). Quantifying qualitative data: Building a bridge across a methodological bog to understand capacity for teacher change. In J. Settlage & A. Johnston (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Science Education at the Crossroads Conference (pp. 26-27). Alta, Utah. [Available online at www.sciedxroads.org/proceedings2018.html].
Lee Bae, C. S., DeBusk-Lane, M., Hayes, K. N., Zhang, F. (2018). Opportunities to Participate (OtP) in Science Survey: Examining Differences Longitudinally and Across Socioeconomically Diverse Schools. Research in Science Education
Lee Bae, C. S., Hayes, K. N., Seitz, J. C., O'Connor, D., & DiStefano, R. (2016). A coding tool for examining the substance of teacher professional learning with example cases from middle school science lesson study. Teaching and Teacher Education. 60, 164-178.
Lee, C. S., Hayes, K. N., O'Connor, D., Seitz, J. C., & DiStefano, R. (2016). The Diverse Forms of Teacher Leadership: A Typology and Survey Tool for Middle School Science. Journal of School Leadership. 26, 905-937.
Lee, C. S., Hayes, K. N., DiStefano, R., Seitz, J. C., & O'Connor, D. (2016). Engagement as a mediating factor between student motivation and science achievement in middle school. International Journal of Science Education. 38 (2), 192-215.
Hayes, K.N. (2016). Neoliberalism in historical light: How business models displaced science education goals in two eras. Educational Leadership and Administration: Teaching and Program Development Journal, 27, 1-18.
Hayes, K.N., & Trexler, C.J. (2016). Testing predictors of instructional practice in elementary science education: The significant role of accountability. Science Education, 100(2), 266-289.
Conference Presentations
Hayes, K.N., Preminger, L., Tran, V., & Lee Bae, C. The Relationship Between Professional Development and Teacher Retention: A Mixed Methods Study. Accepted Paper. American Educational Research Association, Toronto, 2019.
Bae, C. L., Hayes, K. N., & Dabney, K. The Role of Student Characteristics and Classroom Learning Opportunities in Science Achievement: A Multilevel Approach. Roundtable for the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, April 2018.
Bae, C. L., DeBusk-Lane, M., & Hayes, K. N. Student Engagement and Opportunities to Participate in Science Practices Across Socioeconomically Diverse Schools. Paper for the American Educational Research Association (AERA), New York, April 2018.
Hayes, K. (2018). Quantifying qualitative data: Building a bridge across a methodological bog to understand capacity for teacher change. In J. Settlage & A. Johnston (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Science Education at the Crossroads Conference (pp. 26-27). Alta, Utah. [Available online at www.sciedxroads.org/proceedings2018.html].
Lee Bae, C. S., DeBusk-Lane, M., Hayes, K. N., Zhang, F. (2018). Opportunities to Participate (OtP) in Science Survey: Examining Differences Longitudinally and Across Socioeconomically Diverse Schools. Research in Science Education
Bae, C. L., Inouye, C., & Hayes, K. N. (2017) Active retrieval and peer discourse strategy: Whiteboarding increases deeper understanding in college biology course. Paper presentation at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), San Antonio, Texas, April 2017.
Hayes, K., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. Developing Capacity for Urban Science Education Reform: The Role of Resource Chains and Constellations. Roundtable. American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, April 2017.
Hayes, K., Conceptualizing organizational processes in science education reform: ·A set of theoretical tools. Organizer and presenter, invited session. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, April 2017.
Hayes, K., Lee Bae, C. An Organizational Capacity Framework: Supporting Educational Reform in Complex Contexts. Paper. University Council for Educational Administration, Detroit, November, 2016.
Hayes, K. The Nature and Role of Quantifying Qualitative Data: An Ignite Session. University Council for Educational Administration, Detroit, November, 2016.
Hayes, K., O’Connor, D. Tools to support shifts in organizational and instructional practice in science education. Invited Talk. California Science Project Directors Meeting, Burbank, May, 2016.
Lee, C., Hayes, K., et al. A Survey Tool for Assessing Distinct Types of Teacher Leadership. Paper. American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC, April, 2016.
Hayes, K., Lee Bae, C.. Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. Activating capacity for urban science education reform: The role of resource chains and constellations. Paper. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, April 2016.
Inouye, C., Hayes, K., Lee, C., et al. Reciprocal Learning in Science Professional Development: Faculty Shift their Practice. Paper. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, April 2016.
Hayes, K. Organizational capacity for educational reform: Defining a framework of capitals. Roundtable. California Association of Professors of Educational Administration. San Jose, March, 2016.
Hayes, K. Communicating Across Assumptions for the Purpose of Practical, Research Based Teaching Reform. Venture and Vexation. Science Education at the Crossroads, Cleveland, October 2015.
Hayes, K. Characterizing organizational response strategies: The role of resources and compound pressures in science education. Poster. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 2015.
Hayes, K. Factoring inequity: Teacher and school predictors of science education time. Paper. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 2015.
O’Connor, D., Lee, C., Hayes, K., et al. The Diverse Forms of Teacher Leadership: Examining Priorities, Skills, and Roles of Teacher Leaders in Middle School Science. Paper. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 2015.
Lee, C., Hayes, K., et al. Integrating NGSS Science Practices in Middle School Science Classrooms: Examining the Process of Two Lesson Study Teams. Roundtable. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, April, 2015.
Hayes, K. Pedagogical Choice in Elementary Science Education: Testing Explanatory Variables. Paper. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, April 2015
Hayes, K., Lee, C., et al. Measuring Science Instructional Practice: A Survey Tool for the Age of NGSS. Poster. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, April 2015.
Lee, C., Hedman, R., Hayes, K., et al. Teachers Grappling with NGSS and Common Core: Empirically Examining Lesson Study Teams. Paper. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, April 2015.
Lee, C., Hayes, K., et al. Conditions that Support Lesson Study for Integrating NGSS in Science Classroom. Poster. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, April 2015.
Practitioner Presentations
Coming Soon
Student Research Presentations
*indicates student author
Marroquin, Y.*, Rosales, D.*, Ndomo, R., Lee, C. S.,Seitz, J., Hayes, K., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2016). 'Underrepresented Students’ are not all the same: Examining science achievement among subgroup of English Language Learners and students from low socioeconomic status. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016. Selected to compete in the 2016 CSU Statewide Research Competition, California State University Bakersfield.
Ndomo, R.*, Chunn, M.*, Kourtesi, D.*, Lee, C. S.,Hayes, K., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2016). Student engagement in middle school science. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016.
Grailoo, F.*,Lee, C. S., Hayes, K., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2016). Examining the reliability and validity of scores from a students' science practices survey. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016.
Sabin, E.*, Tran, V.*, Lee, C. S., Hayes, K., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2016). Identifying Outliers in Continuous Data: Examples from Middle School Teacher and Student Test Scores. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016.
Bajo, R.*, Behr, D.*, Hayes, K., Lee, C. S., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2016). Building resources for science education in a high poverty district. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016.
Cole, K.*, Lardy, C., DiStefano, R., Korb, M., & Lee, C. S.(2016). Characterizing preservice secondary science teachers' descriptions of student engagement in analyzing and interpreting data. California State University (CSU) East Bay Student Research Symposium 2016.
Echeandia, R.*, Miranda, E.*, Lee, C. S.,Hayes, K. N., DiStefano, R., Seitz, J., & O'Connor, D. (2015). Mastery Motivation and Efficacy Predict Achievement in Middle School Science. Selected to present at the 2015 CSU Statewide Student Research Competition, California State University San Berandino, CA. Received second place award in the Education strand.
Rosales,*D., Lee, C. S.,Hayes, K. N., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2015). Students’ Understanding of Science Ideas Revealed through Formative Assessment Probes. Presented at the 2015 Student Research Symposium, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Salazar, C.*, Himebaugh, T.*, Lee, C. S.,Hayes, K. N., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2015). Conditions that Support Lesson Study Scaling. Presented at the 2015 Student Research Symposium, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Nicolas, J.*, Marroquin, Y.*, Wong, N.*, Lee, C. S.,Hayes, K. N., Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2015). Examining Teacher and Student Outcomes of Middle School Science Lesson Study. Presented at the 2015 Student Research Symposium, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Herrera, K.*, Jamoosian, L.*, Hayes, K. N., Lee, C. S., Dozier, S., O'Connor, D., Seitz, J., & DiStefano, R. (2015). Science Instructional Practices Survey. Presented at the 2015 Student Research Symposium, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Echeandia, R.*, Miranda, E.*, Lee, C. S.,Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2014). The Role of Motivation in Middle School Science Achievement. Selected to present at the 2014 CSU Student Research Competition, California State University East Bay, CA.
Yu, Al.*, Nicolas, K.*, Tran, M.*, Lee, C. S.,Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2014). Science Practices in Action: A Video-Based Analysis of Two Middle School Lesson Study Teams. Presented at the 2014 Student Research Symposium, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.
Rodriguez, A.*, Gonzalez, C.*, Hinant, R.*, Lee, C. S.,Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2014). America’s Call To Improve Science Education: Professional Development Deepens Middle School Science Teachers’ Content Knowledge. Selected to present at the 2014 CSU Student Research Competition, California State University East Bay, CA.
Martinez, E.*, Silva, R.*, Lee, C. S.,Seitz, J., DiStefano, R., & O'Connor, D. (2014). Integrated Middle School Science (IMSS) Professional Development: Effects on Teachers’ Science Content Knowledge and Practices. Selected for the 2014 CSU Student Research Competition, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA.